Qui est la LED ACADEMY ?

La Led Academy est une association à but non lucratif. Elle réunit des membres adhérents (médecins, physiciens, chercheurs en biologie cellulaire, ingénieurs en optoélectronique) intéressés ou concernés par les effets biologiques et l’utilisation en thérapeutique des sources de rayonnement électromagnétique de basse puissance.

Elle rassemble ainsi toutes les technologies qui se réfèrent à
l’utilisation des LED (Light Emitting Diode) et des lasers de basse puissance (Low Level Laser) depuis leur construction, jusqu’à leurs applications cliniques.

La LED Academy accueille également des membres bienfaiteurs qui peuvent faire partie des industries de santé.

Elle s’efforce de réunir ainsi des connaissances, de faire partager des expériences et de susciter des programmes de recherche.

LED Academy is a non profit organisation with a membership open to physicians, physicists, cell-biologists, optoelectronic engineers,concerned with photobiological mechanisms and treatments related to the use of LED or Low Level Lasers.

LEDAcademy welcomes benefactor members from pharmaceutical or medical device companies.

Its goal is therefore dedicated to the promotion of research, education, and clinical applications in photobiology.

jeudi 14 juin 2012

Voici quelques lectures qui vous intéresseront

Par le Pr. Tiina Karu
 lien d'achat

"... Some may find this book difficult to read, as some sections are written more like a scientific paper than a general lecture. Although the experts will appreciate all the formulas, the nonexperts will appreciate the summaries at the end of each chapter, which give the 'take home lesson.' This reviewer hopes that this book will stimulate further scientific studies on Low Level Light Therapy, so that this therapy will be more widely accepted, and be used in a responsible manner."


Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.
Most of the specialists working in this interdisciplinary field of physics, biology, biophysics and medicine are associated with "The International Institute of Biophysics" (IIB), in Neuss, Germany, where basic research and possibilities for applications are coordinated. The growth in this field is indicated by the increase in financial support, interest from the scientific community and frequency of publications.
Audience: The scientists of IIB have presented the most essential background and applications of biophotonics in these lecture notes in biophysics, based on the summer school lectures by this group. This book is devoted to questions of elementary biophysics, as well as current developments and applications. It will be of interest to graduate and postgraduate students, life scientists, and the responsible officials of industries and governments looking for non-invasive methods of investigating biological tissues.

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